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Freemelt strengthens the board

5 Dec 2022

Nasdaq First North-listed Freemelt Holding AB – has at an extraordinary general meeting elected entrepreneur and professor Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum and co-founder Ulric Ljungblad as new members of the company’s board. At the meeting, Martin Wildheim resigned from the board.

Professor Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum is a leading researcher in 3D printing with more than 200 scientific presentations and publications as well as several patents in additive manufacturing, functional layers, and smart materials. Johannes has extensive experience and expertise in metalworking and specializes in additive manufacturing.

Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum has a large network in additive manufacturing and is currently managing director of the Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing (ACAM) as well as director and professor of Digital Additive Production (DAP) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. The university is one of the world’s strongest research centers in additive manufacturing and is the origin where the basic technology was developed for powder-based metal 3D printing.

Johannes has founded several successful startups in additive manufacturing. He has a PhD in the field of individualized production and has previously studied mechanical engineering and business administration.

Ulric Ljungblad is one of Freemelt’s founders and the company’s former CEO. Today, he holds the role of Chief Innovation Officer, CIO.

“Freemelt is rapidly developing into a full-fledged commercial company. Therefore, it is gratifying that we can strengthen the board. With Johannes Schleifenbaum, we not only bring in one of the world’s leading researchers in 3D printing, but also a skilled entrepreneur who has co-founded several successful startups in additive manufacturing”, says Carl Palmstierna, Freemelt’s Chairman of the Board and one of the company’s major owners and continues:

“Freemelt’s CIO Ulric Ljungblad hardly needs any further presentation, he represents the company’s founders, who together consist of perhaps the 3D world’s most competent team. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Martin Wildheim for his contributions to Freemelt.”

Freemelt Holdings’ share was listed on Nasdaq First North in July 2021.